Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Why Clockwise Circles?


Why Clockwise Circles & Clarification on What is Clockwise

Official Newsletter of C.A.R.E.

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education

Volume 2, Number 6 (Revised and Corrected)
September/October 2004


1. Why Clockwise Circles? 
2. Clarification on What is Clockwise

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information in this newsletter is not meant
to diagnose, prescribe, or substitute for professional medical
assistance. It is provided as information only for your better
understanding of holistic health. In case of medical need, please
consult an appropriate licensed professional.


1. Why Clockwise Circles?
by David Stewart, PhD, RA

In applying essential oils, healing aromatherapists teach us
to “energize” the oil with a “clockwise” spin. This is often
done by placing the desired number of oil drops in the palm of
our non-dominant hand (usually the left) and then stirring the
oil in small clockwise circles with one or more fingers of the
other hand. It can also be done directly on the site where oils
are applied. Why is this done? And is there a scientific basis
for it?

The reason it is done is because it has been observed,
empirically, that the therapeutic effectiveness of the oil is
increased by this procedure. Thus, we say “the oil has been
energized.” This is something you can verify yourself.

The concept dates back thousands of years to Chinese
medicine where the yin and yang principles are said to rotate
in opposite directions, both clock and counterclockwise.
According to Chinese principles in cooking food, if one stirs
clockwise it corresponds to balancing conditions within the
human body that may be unbalanced if stirred

The science behind this practice is as follows: There are certain
chemical compounds that can exist as pairs. They have the same
formula, but the atoms are put together in such a way that
there are two versions. These are called chiral isomers with
each member of the pair being the mirror image of the other,
like a right and a left-handed pair of gloves. Hundreds of
compounds in essential oils are chiral in nature.

The word, chiral, comes from the Greek, cheiro, meaning hand.
Chiral pairs are designated as being d-isomers where d = dexter
(meaning right in Latin) or l-isomers where l = laevus (meaning
left in Latin).

For reasons known only to God, the major molecules that
make up living systems on earth are all chiral in the same way.
This is true for all terrestrial plants, animals and micro-
organisms. Amino acids are the basic molecular building material
of living matter. All amino acids are l-isomers (left-handed).
Right-handed amino acids can be made in a laboratory, but
they are all dead and are not found in living organisms.

Proteins are macromolecules built of amino acids present in
all living cells. About 50% of your body’s dry weight is protein.
Proteins are major structural components in all of our bodily
tissues. They also catalyze our chemical processes as enzymes,
transport oxygen, serve as hormones, regulate bodily functions,
and make life possible as we know it. Whatever their role, each
protein molecule is built from the levo-chiral molecules of amino
acids. Levo-chiral molecules, and all substances built from
them, always twist clockwise.

From dinosars to the tinest protozoans and viruses. the living
proteins of this planet are all helical with a clockwise twist. This
includes the molecules of DNA. Counterclockwise proteins and
strands of DNA do not exist on planet earth as normal
substances. Simple counterclockwise proteins have been
synthesized in a lab, but they are dead, having no place in the
lifeforms of this world.

The insistence of nature on just one chiral form in the
molecules of terrestrial organisms is called “homochirality”
by scientists. It is possible that the proteins of
extraterrestrial creatures could be counterclockwise. We
only know that on earth, at a microscopic level, all life turns
in a clockwise direction. If an organism or living entity was
discovered on earth whose genes and proteins were all counter-
clockwise, you could know for a certainty that they were aliens
from another planet. This fact could be the basis for a good
science fiction movie.


There are some exceptions to the homochirality of proteins.
The earth possesses a global magnetic field with a north-south
polarity due to ferric minerals and movements in the core the
earth. However, at the earth’s surface one experiences
significant variations in the measurable field due to latitude
and the magnetism of local rocks, ores, and crystalline mineral
deposits. There are also dynamic electric fields (called Telluric
currents) that move and change continually over the earth’s
surface that move differently from place to place.

This give rise to a phenomena called “geopathology.” In other
words, some places on the earth are more in electromagnetic
harmony with human function than others. Living in some
locations support health, wellness, and strength while others
promote sickness and weakness. The unhealthy places are
said to produce “geopathic stress.” People living in such
geographically unfavorable places have higher rates of cancer
and other diseases. What is interesting is that measurements
of the blood of people living under geopathic stress find
reverse polarized proteins. They rotate counterclockwise.
When these people move to a different place, their blood cells
return to the normal clockwise twist and their health improves.
Cancer patients, in general, are found to have reverse twisted
proteins in their blood. If the cancer goes away, the proteins
return to their normal clockwiseness.

These examples of counterclockwise rotation do not change
the fact that all proteins created on earth have a clockwise
twist. It is just that in certain situations, the surrounding electro-
magnetic fields or other forces can acually unwind some proteins,
including our DNA, and turn them backwards. When this happens,
we have an abnormal situation. If not corrected, physical, mental,
and/or emotional sicknesses will inevitably insue.

There are times when counterclockwise motions are used in
healing. For example, in getting access to repressed emotions
or forgotten memories of traumatic experiences, those who
do emotional release work with oils sometimes make small
counterclockwise circles on the temples of the client to “unwind
the DNA” to gain access to these subconscious memories.
However, before the close of the session, clockwise circles
are made to restore the DNA back to its normal helical twist.

Getting back to essential oils, when we make clockwise circles
before applying them, we are placing a spin on the molecules
that enables them to more easily engage with the proteins in
every cell of our bodies as well as the strands of DNA that
form our cellular intelligence. Thus energized, essential oil
molecules can enter our bodies turning in synchrony and
harmony, spinning in the same direction as our body parts on
a microscopic level. In this way the oils can more effectively
administer their therapeutic powers. For cancer patients or
persons living in geopathogenic places or who work in man-made
electromagnetic environments that have reversed some of their
proteins and set them up for sickness—properly polarized and
energized essential oils can restore these twisted proteins back
to their normal clockwise spin, thus setting the person back on
the path to wellness.

For more practical information on the consequences of
geopathology and electromagnetic fields in general, and what
you can do about them, see the excellent book, Electromagnetic
Pollution, by DeVita available from CARE.

NOTE: This is an extract from a new book to be released before
the end of 2004, probably in November. It's title is THE CHEMISTRY
OF ESSENTIAL OILS MADE SIMPLE and its author is Dr. David
Stewart (Ph.D.) The subtitle of the book is GOD'S LOVE MANIFEST
IN MOLECULES. The book will be a little over 700 pages long. When
published it will be available from CARE at (800) 758-8629 or at
the CARE website, www.RaindropTraining.com. Price will be
$34.95 plus $6 s&h.

See also, Supplement to this issue of the Raindrop Messenger for Dr. Stewart's article, "Clarification on What is Clockwise."


Official Newsletter of C.A.R.E.
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
Rt. 4, Box 646, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846


Raindrop Messenger Archive

Official Newsletter of C.A.R.E.
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education

Volume 2, Number 6 (Supplement)
September/October 2004


1. Clarification on What is Clockwise

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information in this newsletter is not meant
to diagnose, prescribe, or substitute for professional medical
assistance. It is provided as information only for your better
understanding of holistic health. In case of medical need, please
consult an appropriate licensed professional.


1. Clarification on What is Clockwise
By David Stewart

In my recent article on why we make clockwise circles when
applying essential oils, there was one point I did not make
because I was trying to keep it short and simple. A full answer
would have complicated the article and made it too long.
A longer more complete version of the article that addresses
this point will appear in my upcoming book, The Chemistry
of Essential Oils Made Simple.

The point is this. Since the article has been broadcast over
the internet a week ago, a number of people have asked the
question: What is clockwise? This is a very good question
since clockwiseness depends on your point of reference.
As you will see, answer to this question goes beyond
chemistry and the physical sciences, which is one reason
I chose not to include it with the recent article.

For example, if you make circles on the palm of your hand
that are clockwise from your viewpoint, the base of your
fingers would be 12 oclock and 3 oclock would be to your right.
If you held the palm of your hand away from you and someone
else made clockwise circles on your palm from their point of
reference, your view, from the back of your hand, would see
them going in a counterclockwise direction. Thus, the same
circles would be clockwise to them, counterclockwise to you.
It is like a ceiling fan that appears to turn clockwise when
viewed from the floor but counterclockwise when viewed
from the ceiling above.

As another example, you have seen a lot of spirally turning
hurricanes on the news lately as viewed in the Northern hemi-
sphere looking down from space above the earth. You may have
noticed that they always turn counterclockwise from this
perspective. But from the ground surface looking up at the
hurricane, the turning direction is the opposite or clockwise.

The whole idea of making clockwise circles with essential oils
is to match the clockwise twist of our proteins and DNA. The
problem is that a clockwise circle in two dimensions on a
surface (like your palm) and a clockwise twist in three
dimensions in a protein are not the same thing. In actual
proteins and DNA molecules, we are not talking about making
a simple circle in a plane. We are talking about a three-
dimensional twisted helix which is clockwise turned
regardless of from which end you view it—whether from top
or bottom, from above or from below. Unlike the ceiling fan
or tropical storm whose apparent direction of turning
depends on the side from which you view it, the twist of
proteins is the same regardless of your point of perspective.
The difference comes from an added dimension.

By making clockwise circles on the oils with our fingers,
it is our intent to prepare the molecules to rotate in the
same direction as our proteins and, thus, make them more
readily absorbable. But this is only partly accomplished by
the physical act of making circles. It is also in response to
our intent to energize the oils in a direction that
synchronizes with our cells. The process works whether
one understands it or not and regardless of your point of
reference in choosing which way is clockwise. In making
clockwise circles, we are not able to actually mimic or
duplicate the three-dimensional nature of the clockwise
twist of our cellular proteins, but our intent is to do so and
the oils have a consciousness that understands that and
responds accordingly. Oils follow our heart’s intent, even
when our left-brain understanding is faulty or incomplete
and our physical motions (making clockwise circles) is an
imperfect representative of how the cellular proteins are
actually configured.

For a practical answer of what is clockwise, simply visualize
yourself standing in front of or looking down on the hand
with which you make the circles and make that motion
clockwise from your viewpoint. Don’t worry about anyone
else’s viewpoint. The intelligence of the oils will know what
you want them to do. Making the circles is a means of your
communicating with the oils by a sign language they
understand. But this is beyond chemistry and beyond
science as we know it.

I hope this answer makes things clear to you as to what
clockwise is all about and how and why going through
the motions of clockwise circles can improve the
therapeutic efficacy of essential oils. Think about it.


Official Newsletter of C.A.R.E.
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
Rt. 4, Box 646, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

Monday, August 13, 2018

The Art of Enrollment by Eli Wilde

Skilled Questions Realize this: the key to effective communication comes down to your ability to ask skilled questions.

Connection Questions
What made you decide to reach out?

 Background Questions
What are you sing now? How long?

Problem/Awareness Questions
What would you change about your situation, if you could?

Present/Problem Questions  
What's really going on in your business right now?  
Why do you feel it's not where you would like it to be? 

Goal/Vision-Based Questions  
What would you like to see instead?  
Where would you like your biz to be?
If you and I were sitting on the beach, one year from today, sipping coconut water . . . what would have had to have happened for you to say to me " Holly Shit Eli, this has been the BEST year of my life!"  
What is a level 10 to you?

Solution-Based Questions 
If you were to find a sales process or mentor who could help you make an extra 10-20k a month, when would you possibly want to start that?

Gap-Creating Questions
What is the top person in your industry doing?  
What is your goal?  
How close are you to that now? 
Curious, How long have you had that goal? New/Old? 
What's different right now?
Quantifying Questions
How important is it for you to quit leaving money on the table and getting the training you need to get to 6 figures a month?  
What have been your two biggest insights from our time together so far?

Qualifying Questions
 In a scale of 1-10, how much of your potential do you feel you and your business are optimized at right now?  
How much are you leaving on the table every month by not having your sales process dialed-in? 
How much longer is that going to OK? (("How many" or "How much" Question = Quantifying.)) In a scale of 1-10, how important is it for you to achieve your financial goals?

Clarifying Questions  
What is so important about that to you?
I'm curious. What would that mean to you to be able to do that?  
What is the first thing you would do with that money?  
Can you elaborate on that?
When you said, ___. What did yo mean by that?

Challenge-Based Questions  
What if it wasn't what you thought it was?  
If your mindset was at a 10, how would you handle that situation?

Permission Questions  
Is it OK if I challenge you on that?
Could I offer you a different point of view on that?
Could I share with you how top organizations in your industry are handling that challenge? 
May i offer you my professional recommendation?

Transition Questions  
Bob, just to make sure I'm understanding you completely, you said you want X, but right now you are at Y, and because of that it's making you feelZ. Is that correct?  
Do you feel like, this could be what you are looking for?

Consequence Questions
Where do you think your business will be a year from now if you don't change your situation?

Probing Questions  
Why is this important to you now, though? ((My favorite.)) 

Committing Question
 Do you feel like this can get you where you are wanting to go?
Do you feel like having my support would get you to your goals faster?   
What next? 
Where would you like to go from here?
How does this sound?
Are you comfortable with everything we have talked about so far? 

Remember This::  Questions create focus . . .  in fact, they can control it. Right now I could ask you about your shoes, your relationships, the last meal you ate, or the sales numbers of your biz last month.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Our new dietary essential oil line is here! We’re excited to introduce our Vitality™ line of Young Living essential oil classics, labeled for dietary use. Now you can share your favorite therapeutic essential oils such as Thieves blend, Oregano, and Peppermint—among many others—by adding Vitality to the end of the oil name and using the new label design in your marketing tools and social posts. This relabeling gives members the freedom to share these oils in a variety of nutritious and delicious applications. We will now be able to provide sharable tools for communicating both the dietary and topical/aromatic uses of these products. We hope these tools will improve the versatility of essential oil education and boost members’ business opportunities. To create your own marketing tools, be sure to visit our Vitality oil images on Flickr. Link to oil images: https://www.flickr.com/gp/youngliving/qcDp3u Link to stylized oil Images: https://www.flickr.com/gp/youngliving/N1V6vV

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Letter from Young Living Team

Dear Diamond Leader: We’re excited to announce that more than $1 million was raised for the Young Living Foundation during the 2015 International Grand Convention! Your overwhelming generosity signifies the remarkable start of a new chapter in Young Living’s philanthropic mission. Formerly known as the D. Gary Young Foundation, the Young Living Foundation is a powerful vehicle for good throughout the world. Over the years the foundation has evolved into the primary avenue through which Young Living demonstrates its commitment to empowering families and communities worldwide. As chairman of the board, Young Living founder D. Gary Young guides the foundation with his lifelong passion for helping to improve the lives people everywhere. Following his example, the foundation is dedicated to changing lives with greater impact than ever before. Prior to the 2015 International Grand Convention, Young Living director of philanthropy Nikki Davis and philanthropy marketing manager Brittany Davis visited multiple organizations to which the D. Gary Young Foundation has been donating in both Kenya and Uganda. This visit resulted in three exciting new partnerships for the Young Living Foundation in Uganda: Sole Hope, African Hearts Community Organization, and Healing Faith Uganda. Sole Hope Sole Hope is a non-profit organization that provides shelter and medical relief from trained professionals to victims suffering from parasitic foot disease. If left untreated, the disease can lead to infections, paralysis, and even amputation. Beyond medical implications, those infected with the disease are often ostracized from their communities and become homeless. In addition to shelter and medical care, Sole Hope provides food to the sick and continuing health education in the villages of those affected, so they can be welcomed back home following recovery. African Hearts Community Organization African Hearts Community Organization is a rescue program for children living in the slums and streets of Kampala, Uganda. Either orphaned or abandoned by their parents due to poverty, these children are without food, shelter, and have very little clothing. African Hearts was founded and is currently directed by Lutaaya Abdul, who grew up in these slums. After watching multiple young friends die amid the horrific conditions, he felt a need to make a change. Despite setbacks, he established African Hearts to bring other children out of the slums and into transitional homes where they receive food, shelter, and social services, as well as a quality education through the African Hearts Junior School. Healing Faith Uganda Healing Faith Uganda provides malaria education, prevention, and treatment to rural villages. In Africa a child dies every 60 seconds from malaria. Through Healing Faith Uganda, a single donation of just $5 provides a mosquito net that can protect up to three children from malaria. We will soon unveil the new Young Living Foundation website and marketing materials. Until then you can continue to donate to the Young Living Foundation and these extraordinary partnerships at DGaryYoungFoundation.org. Additionally, donations can be made in Virtual Office by clicking on the Young Living Foundation box to round your order total to the nearest dollar. Tomorrow we will be sending every member in your organization an email explaining the foundation’s name change. We will also release a social media campaign and a new Member News piece in Virtual Office. Feel free to share this exciting announcement today with your team! Thank you for your efforts in making Young Living a world-class company. With your help, we are changing lives for the better every day! Best regards, The Young Living Team

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sharing Young Living Right

The U.S. and most other countries have regulations in place designed to protect consumers. Many of these specifically regulate how natural wellness companies like Young Living market themselves. These regulations help make sure that companies are making true, safe claims about their products. To help protect you and us, here are some quick tips for getting the word out about Young Living products without putting yourself or Young Living at legal risk. Things to Avoid Avoid making health-related claims about Young Living products that are misleading, not true, or can’t be backed up by scientific studies. All product claims should be truthful, not misleading, and should be backed by scientific evidence. Never claim or suggest that our products can cure, alleviate, treat, prevent, or diagnose a disease, symptom, or injury. These types of claims are called “disease claims.” Here are a few examples of conditions generally considered to be diseases: cold, flu, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart attacks, HIV, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, allergies, tooth decay, impotence, seizures, asthma, attention deficit disorder, ulcers, burns, mild abrasions, bruises, scars, head lice, obesity, anxiety, and depression. Many, many others belong on this list, but there isn’t enough space for them all! No matter how much success you feel you’ve had with a Young Living product in helping your family fight disease, avoid claiming as much when you are sharing our products. Personal experiences do not replace scientific studies, and when you share your personal experiences in a business building setting, no matter how remarkable, they may count as a disease claim. Avoid stating that our products can treat a disease, even if you don’t actually name the disease. There are a lot of ways to imply that Young Living products can treat, cure, or prevent diseases. Each violates U.S. regulations. Regulators look at the objective intent of advertising statements when deciding whether or not a disease claim is implied. Below are a few impermissible implied disease claims, the disease implied by these claims, and related claims that you can make. Unacceptable Disease Claim Implied Disease Acceptable Claim Relieves crushing chest pain Angia or heart attack Helps relax muscles Heals stomach or duodenal lesions and bleeding Ulcers Helps with upset/sour stomach Anticonvulsant Epilepsy Provides support for the nervous system Relief of bronchospasm Asthma Supports healthy lung function Helps alleviate the blues associated with emotion of despair Depression Helps alleviate occasional nervous irritability Controls blood sugar in person with insufficient insulin Diabetes Maintains normal blood sugar levels Prevents wasting in persons with weakened immune systems AIDS Supports the immune system Improves joint mobility and reduces joint inflammation and pain Rheumatoid arthritis Supports healthy joint and cartilage function Antibiotic Infections Aids a healthy immune system Avoid claiming that Young Living products treat a symptom of a disease or a class of disease, even when talking in every day terms (instead of technical terms). Here are a few examples: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unacceptable Implied Disease Claims Why It Is an Unacceptable Claim Acceptable Claims ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Helps lower cholesterol OR Promotes cholesterol clearance The lowering of cholesterol or Helps maintain cholesterol levels already cholesterol clearance are implied disease in the normal range claims linked to treating elevated cholesterol _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For joint pain Joint pain is a widely recognized as being a Helps support cartilage and joint function OR characteristic of arthritis Helps alleviate minor aches and pains associated with daily life _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maintains healthy lungs in smokers Smokers are an at-risk population for lung cancer, Maintains healthy lung function OR therefore the claim implies lung cancer prevention Supports the lungs and sinuses ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prevents bone fragility in post-menopausal women Implies prevention of osteoporosis Helps support healthy bone structure ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prevents memory loss Refers to preventing Alzheimer’s disease Improves absentmindedness ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aids in balancing blood sugar Imbalanced blood sugar levels are widely known to Helps maintain blood sugar levels already in the be associated with diabetes. In this case, “balancing” normal range would be understood to mean “improving.” _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some drug classes are so strongly associated with disease treatment or prevention that a statement that a product belongs to that class implies that the product will treat or prevent the same diseases that the class of drug does.

Monday, July 28, 2014


Your Young Living Income Potential

In the PDF below (click on the link), we present carefully researched statistics about incomes earned by our ranking U.S. members during 2013, as well as the average time commitment made to earn such income. We ask that all Young Living members provide a copy of this statement to prospective members when discussing the earning potential of Young Living members.

Click below:

Ningxia Red and Benzoate - FACTS vs FICTION

Ningxia Red and Benzoate

Sodium Benzoate is one of the least problematic of all the preservatives. If Young Living didn't use a small amount of preservative in Ningxia Red, it would turn to wine or vinegar. Young Living does not irradiate or cook the juice to the point of not needing a preservative. Juices without a preservative have been overheated or processed to point where they have little bioactivity, enzymes, antioxidants, or nutrients. 

In fact, Ningxia Red is the highest known antioxidant liquid supplement available, a testament to both its bioactivity and stability. Young Living scientists have added the least of amount of benzoate needed to create the most bioactive infusion in existence.

Sodium benzoate is freely found in nature, and in fact, even organically grown cranberries or prunes can contain levels of benzoic acid that exceed the legal limit imposed by the FDA on U.S. food manufacturers (0.1% by weight), although the level normally found in berries will be in the range of 0.05 to 0.1%. Natural sodium benzoate is not harmful.

According to Gil Stoewsand, Faculty, Food Science & Technology, Cornell University: “Sodium benzoate is a very widespread food preservative used much under 0.1% in many foods from soup to cereals. The considerable time between the production and the consumption of food today makes some use of preservatives necessary in order to prevent spoilage and undersirable alterations in color, flavor, or nutrients. Degradation pathways for benzoic acid (produced in the body from the sodium salt) have been studied in detail and have shown the harmlessness of this substance: 75-80% is excreted within 6 hours, and the total dose leaves the body within about 10 hours. It does not cause cancer. The limit of sodium benzoate in foods is not because of its toxicity, but at levels higher than 0.1% will leave an unacceptable aftertaste. Foods containing this preservative are much healthier than non-preservative foods since harmful microorganism growth is inhibited, food oxidation is prevented, and food nutrients are preserved.

Chronic toxicities were examined in rats fed diets containing up to a total of 1%. After 4 generations there were no changes in normal patterns of growth, reproduction, lactation and no morphological abnormalities of organs. Acute toxicity studies, where one large dose of sodium benzoate is given to animals, showed no lethal effects until 2 grams per kg. body wt. was administered. One could not eat enough foods containing sodium benzoate to even get 0.002% of this amount!
Limits of sodium benzoate in foods is not because of toxicity, but it will impart a taste that will make some foods unacceptable. This is a very non-toxic compound and foods containing preservatives are usually much healthier since harmful microorganism growth is inhibited, oxidation is checked, and nutrients, natural or added, are saved.”

The Benzoate-Benzene Connection.
Recently attention has been focused on high levels of benzene in common vitamin C-supplemented soft drinks. In recent years, independent analyses performed by laboratories in New York, found benzene levels in carbonated beverages at two-and-a-half-times and five times above the World Health Organization limit for drinking water (10 parts per billion). In many cases these levels exceeded 85 parts per billion.

Dr. Glen Lawrence, a chemist who conducted extensive benzene testing for the FDA, confirmed that sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid may react under certain conditions to form benzene. This occurs commonly in soft drinks. 

He found that ascorbic acid readily oxidizes in the presence of carbonic acid, heat, and transition  metals, such as iron or copper, to create 'free radical' hydroxyl particles. These hydroxyl radicals attack benzoic acid, stripping away a carbon dioxide molecule.  Benzene is thereby created. It is important to note that this reaction occurs in the presence of either heat or carbonic acid, conditions common to almost all carbonated beverages.

In sum, Dr. Lawrence made it very clear that in order for benzene to be created in  a liquid beverage, a benzoate must be combined with:
1. Vitamin C
2. Carbonic Acid
3. Low antioxidant environment
4. Heat 

In the Ningxia Red, it is important to note that only two out of these four conditions are present. And regarding heat for pasteurization, only minimal heat is used in the low-temperature flash pasteurization of the Ningxia Red. 

According to Dr. Lawrence, benzene is created only where an abundance of free radicals exists in solution, usually created by a combination of heat and/or carbonic acid. In contrast to the poor antioxidant levels of most soft drinks, Ningxia Red is one of the most potent antioxidant liquid supplements ever tested. 

This unequalled antioxidant profile prevents the creation of benzene in the Ningxia Red juice.  Moreover, the absence of carbonic acid further protects the vitamin C in Ningxia Red from forming the free radicals.

The proof is clear: Independent laboratory tests of Ningxia Red for benzene found that it easily exceeds both the World Health Organization limit for drinking water (10 parts per billion) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's drinking water safety standard (five parts per billion). 

World regulatory agencies can't set benzene limits for foods and beverages, because benzene occurs at normal natural levels in our food supply, i.e. eggs (1000-1900 ppb) haddock fish (200 ppb) beef (10 ppb) and at even lower levels in organic fruits/veggies. 

Even though NingXia Red is a whole fruit infusion product and is not required to meet drinking water guidelines it tests at a minuscule 4 ppb. This is not only below the EPA's and WHO's a stringent drinking water guideline it is at the expected natural level considering the concentration of its whole fruit ingredients. 

In fact, the benzene levels in Ningxia Red are so low that one medium raw egg (61 grams) has over 1000 times the  benzene as a one ounce serving of Ningxia Red.

As a side note, it would be nearly impossible to entirely eliminate benzene from the diet. Trace amounts of benzene are a nearly ubiquitous component of many foods including, red beans, leeks, parsley, soybean milk, cocoa, apples, oranges,  cranberries, bilberries, strawberries and more. However, by using high antioxidant dietary additions, it is possible to minimize any of its negative effects on the body.  And Ningxia Red is one of the most powerful known antioxidants with a number of documented health benefits, including supporting eye health, vascular health, and liver fiction. And it is the only liquid infusion to contain therapeutic grade essential oils.