Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Love Language Profile for Women

The profile consists of 30 pairs of statements. Pick the ONE statement in each pair that best represents your DESIRE. Once you've made your selections, go back and count the number of times you circled each individual letter. You can list the results in the appropriate spaces at the end of the profile.

A Sweet notes from my husband make me feel good.

E I love my husband’s hugs.

B I like to be alone with my husband.

D I feel loved when my husband washes my car.

C Receiving special gifts from my husband makes me happy.

B I enjoy long trips with my husband.

D I feel loved when my husband helps with the laundry.

E I like it when my husband touches me.

E I feel loved when my husband puts his arm around me.

C I know my husband loves me because he surprises me with gifts.

B I like going almost anywhere with my husband.

E I like to hold my husband’s hand.

C I value the gifts my husband gives me.

A I love to hear my husband say he loves me.

E I like for my husband to sit close to me.

A My husband tells me I look good, and I like that.

B Spending time with my husband makes me happy.

C Even the smallest gift from my husband is important to me.

B No matter what we do, I love doing things with my husband.

C When my husband helps clean up after a meal, I know that he loves me.

B No matter what we do, I love doing things with my husband.

A Supportive comments from my husband make me feel good.

D Little things my husband does for me mean more to me than things he says.

E I love to hug my husband.

A My husband’s praise means a lot to me.

C It means a lot to me that my husband gives me gifts I really like.

B Just being around my husband makes me feel good.

E I love it when my husband gives me a massage.

A My husband’s reactions to my accomplishments are so encouraging.

D It means a lot to me when my husband helps me with something I know he hates.

E I never get tired of my husband’s kisses.

B I love that my husband shows real interest in things I like to do.

D I can count on my husband to help me with projects.

C I still get excited when opening a gift from my husband.

A I love my husband to compliment my appearance.

B I love that my husband listens to me and respects my ideas.

E I can’t help but touch my husband when he is close by.

D My husband sometimes runs errands for me, and I appreciate that.

D My husband deserves an award for all the things he does to help me.

C I’m sometimes amazed at how thoughtful my husband’s gifts to me are.

B I love having my husband’s undivided attention.

D I love that my husband helps clean the house.

C I look forward to seeing what my husband gives me for my birthday.

A I never get tired of hearing my husband tell me that I am important to him.

C My husband lets me know he loves me by giving me gifts.

D My husband shows his love by helping me without me having to ask.

B My husband doesn’t interrupt me when I am talking, and I like that.

C I never get tired of receiving gifts from my husband.

D My husband is good about asking how he can help when I’m tired.

B It doesn’t matter where we go, I just like going places with my husband.

E I love cuddling with my husband.

C I love surprise gifts from my husband.

A My husband’s encouraging words give me confidence.

B I love to watch movies with my husband.

C I couldn’t ask for any better gifts than the ones my husband gives me.

E I love it that my husband can’t keep his hands off me.

D It means a lot to me when my husband helps me despite being busy.

A It makes me feel really good when my husband tells me he appreciates me.

E I love hugging and kissing my husband after we’ve been apart for a while.

A I love hearing my husband tell me that he missed me.

A: ______ B: ______ C: ______ D: ______ E: ______

A=Words of Affirmation B=Quality Time C=Receiving Gifts

D=Acts of Service E=Physical Touch

Your primary love language is the one that received the highest score. You are "bilingual" and have two primary love languages if point totals are equal for any two love languages If your second highest scoring love language is close in score to your primary love language, then this simply means that both expressions of love are important to you.

Taken from The Five Love Languages, BY Gary D Chapman, Zondervan Publishing House.

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